Sunday, January 23, 2011

Daily Nothing

Soooo I was gonna make a post about how retardedly difficult Shane O'Neil's tre flip noseslide nollie backside 270 heel out must have been, but after reading about it on another blog I felt sickened with the idea of even talking about it, so I'm just gonna say that although I was stunned that P-Rod did nollie heel out of one in his recent part, Shane's sequence really caught me off guard and sent my brain spinning. Let's hope the footage is forthcoming soon......

Also, relevant to reading other blogs, I've decided that although I occasionally hate on certain skaters, tricks, and styles, there are four candidates (arguably five) that are 100% deserving of all the hatred the online skate community can manage to toss it's way. And that's about it. The way I see skaters is much like how I see bands.... no matter how bad the musical artist is, they are all capable of making ONE good song. That's how they get discovered, grow a fan base, blah blah. Not necessarily a good song for every taste and whatever not, but a song that's well put together in terms of catchiness/writing coupled with the mix and the instruments and length and whatever else. So in a roundabout way, I think skating is much the same. Every industry skater is capable of doing at least ONE thing that can either astound me or baffle me, one of the two. Usually, even guys I really don't much care to watch, end up doing a good two minute handful of tricks that I can definitely appreciate and rewatch throughout their careers. Others obviously don't see it this way. I'm by no means an open-minded person, but damn, give people some credit. I'm getting pretty down on the industry and the internet world recently due to shit like this. But anyways. My Four definitely hateables, and then the fifth, who may or may not be as hateable as the rest because of who he WAS, Rob Dyrdek.

1. Steve Berra. Fuck Steve Berra.
2. Jereme Rogers. This kid is so pathetic it's painful. Keeps getting worse too.
3. Ryan Sheckler. The whiner that goes big. Still a bitch.
4. Brian Wenning. The greedy fat slob.

Anyone beyond those four (or five) really needs some slack. If I happen to hate on one of someone's parts, so what. It's just one part. Seems like the whole world is so perplexed by how good the buzzworthies have become that the hatred starts to grow. I'm trying to think of anyone I've seen in recent times that I feel does not deserve their tiny little spot in the skate industry world, and I'm really coming up with nothing, unless you want to count Elissa Steamer, who even in her prime wasn't killing it like Marisa Del Santo. But she came first so whatever. Someone had to.

So other than that little bitch fit I just threw, my main reason for posting today is not to rant or post any kind of clip, but just to announce to the few that may care that as of next week, we will be beginning work on Skatepolitik the video. It's slated to last through July, and then August will hopefully be for post-production. DVDs will hopefully be either free or something like $5, depending on my finances at the time. It's gonna be a bit of a mish-mash video, comprised of essentially whoever gets footage out of the crews in Hampton Roads and the good old Culpeper group. Hopefully what we come up with will be interesting. Hopefully I won't have to postpone it. Hopefully Hopefully Hopefully.

Lots of hope in this damn post.

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