Saturday, November 6, 2010

Back Again

Weeks of computer issues coupled with 40 pages of writing assignments led me to almost a month neglect of poor skatepolitik. But nearing the end of the semester equals three things:

1. Christmas comes soon, aka fixed VX2000
2. New Laptop
3. More Time

All three are damn essential to what I like to do on here. Starting issues I want to address but will save until tomorrow are my recent purchases of Habitat's Origin and Krook3d. I've watched Habitat a couple times and am utterly stunned by Austyn Gillette, particularly his hardflip over that roll-in manhole gap that Billy Marks kickflipped and subsequently tre flipped, and then Westgate frontside flipped. But more on all that later when I'm not at work and not needing to be thinking about other things.

So we'll go to the Politikal vault. Chase Fuller has sent me several remarkable links lately, we'll start out with Mark Suciu, who has footage on the Origin disc.

Quick-ass feet. Tranny mixed with some tech, and some originality to boot. Highlights are the proper and clean bluntslide back lip line, the early box to box combo, front feeble around the corner, wallride double(?) flip and the fakie hardflip down the stairs. Mentionable also are Daryl Angel's halfcab 5050 the hard way, and the Nguyen kid's bluntslide monster pop to fakie. On that note, why are so many skaters endowed with the last name Nguyen? Seems to diminish the recognizability of the nickname "The Nuge" for good ol' Don.

The second clip I'm gonna post is one I know absolutely nothing about. I'm assuming they're all Austrailian dudes (Jasi, get facebook lurking), but the artsy nature of this clip is pretty incredible. Skating is good, filming is on point for the most part, and the spots..... dear god. The orange wallride is a feat in itself, then that beautiful banked piece of art and the board pyramids, all set to what I'm assuming is a track from 90s weirdo spacemusic protege Enya. Not a pro level vid, like Mr. Suciu above, but still entertaining despite its length, and worth a solid viewing.

God willing, I will be posting about one of the aforementioned DVDs tomorrow.

In real life news, for you central VA lurkers, Tim Smith is opening up his skateshop, Culpeper Skateboards, on November 13th. Seen some pics, got some sick stock and plenty of it, and Tim's always had good taste in hardgoods. Swing buy! I mean, uh, by. Buy some shit and support Culpeper's first core shop.

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