Friday, May 27, 2011

Lotsa footy

I've very obviously been bullshitting about posting on here, mainly for a variety of not-so-befuddling reasons. Namely skating and being unemployed.

So while I had originally planned to harp on some of the highlights of the Berra-run DC ad campaign including such unfortunately sick clips as this, I think a much more appropriate post would be one to include two clips, one done by me and one by Charley over at, featuring a lot of the dudes working on putting together footage for Skatepolitik.

R.J. has a pretty intense drive to work out little filming projects on the side. This is the second one I've put together for him, this was all filmed on a little pocket camera and shows how to make shit happen with pretty much a camera, a board, and somewhere to put that camera. I edited this clip up last night, enjoy the R.J. Venters Showcase 2.0:

And also, Northside skatepark in Norfolk has been open for about a year now I guess, probably less. Anyways, I've been there a couple times but only skated it once, one very drunk Evan Dwyer backside flip graces the first clip slot in this bad boy, followed by a lot of Chase Norman gnar gnar that pretty much makes the montage all about him. Chad's mannerisms are on fine display in the intro. Filmed and edited by Charley Feher:

Unless I miss my guess and have a radical change in my life soon, this should be the first couple videos in pretty much what's about to be a storm of clips in the next few weeks. Stay tuned?

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